This means that the participants using Skype will enjoy better than phone voice quality. What does this means? Phones are not able to transmit very much information. Like an AM radio, phones can only deliver the mid-tones of your voice to the telephone at the other end making you sound a little tinny and as if you are, well, using a telephone (limited to about 4kHz at the upper end whereas voices and the human ear range up to about 22kHz). When you use Skype and your computer to get into a wideband audio HighSpeed Conference, every caller hears a much wider voice range (extending up as far as 12kHz). The bottom line is that your voice sounds richer, fuller, clearer and far more natural to everyone on the conference call.
Here are the new calling numbers for the Dhamma conference using the high performance conference bridge:
From Skype (totally free!):
call Skype number: +9900827048980674 to be a participant. Please note that this Skype out number is completely free. Please ensure that you include the leading "+" when you dial this number using Skype's call phones feature
From a regular phone...
Calling from the USA/Canada call:
USA Phone# 1-605-475-8800(long distance costs apply).
In Europe, call:
Austria 0820 401 15470
Belgium 0703 57 134
France 0826 109 071
Germany 0180 500 9527
Ireland 818 270 968
Spain 902 881 270
Switzerland 0848 560 397
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 0870 0990 931
The conference is free but premium national rate charges will apply to these calls, as follows:
UK: 1.5p
Germany: 14 Euro Cents
France: 15 Euro Cents
Belgium: 8.7 Euro Cents
Switzerland: 4 Euro Cents
Ireland: 1.3 Euro Cents
Italy: 8.2 Euro Cents
Conference Room/ID Number is : 8980674
Participant Commands:
*2 - Mute/Unmute your own line so other people can't hear you talking
*9 - Raise hand (Optional)
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