The giving up of all evil; The cultivation of the good;
The cleansing of one's mind; This is the Buddha'a teaching.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Weekly Sinhala Dhamma Discussion goes Global!

Due to the numerous requests that we received from our friends outside the North America, and also due to continued success that we had over the last four weeks in our Dhamma discussion, we have decided to go global with our weekly Sinhala Dhamma Discussion (On Saturdays, 7:00PM - 9:00PM EST)!

We are pleased to inform you that we will be able to support a total of 500 connections worldwide over the telephone as well as internet VOIP facilitated through Skype ( for our weekly meetings, with effect from coming Saturday, Sep 1, 2007. With the unique setup that we will be utilizing, the conference participants will be able to join the Dhamma discussion seamlessly with either a traditional telephone call or over internet Skype.

Furthermore, in addition to the main Teleconference bridge in USA, participants from 10 European countries will have the option to use local telephone numbers to join the conference. The others can join the conference via Skype from anywhere in the world where there is a broadband internet connection.

Here are full details of conference particulars:

From Skype:
call Skype number:+990008275158353 to be a participant. Please note that this Skype out number is completely free.

From a regular phone...
Calling from the USA/Canada call:
USA Phone# 1-605-475-8590(long distance costs apply).

In Europe, call:
Austria 0820 4000 1574
Belgium 070 35 9989
France 0826 100 277
Germany 01805 00 7649
Ireland 0818 270 034
Italy 0848 390 175
Spain 0902 886 051
Switzerland 0848 560 195
UK 0870 738 0763
Netherlands 0870 001 932

The conference is free but premium national rate charges will apply to these calls, as follows:
UK: 1.5p
Germany: 14 Euro Cents
France: 15 Euro Cents
Belgium: 8.7 Euro Cents
Switzerland: 4 Euro Cents
Ireland: 1.3 Euro Cents
Italy: 8.2 Euro Cents

Conference Room/ID Number is : 5158353

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